Isabel Novella (Moz) (Brønshøj Sommerjazz)

At the end of Friday's program we will be visited by singer and songwriter Isabel Novella from Mozambique. Isabel has released several acclaimed albums on Sony and Universal Music in Africa and has been nominated for several Music Awards, including the RFI Discoveries Award, AFRIMMA and the South African Music Awards.

The music is a lively mix of African rhythms and western inspiration, and this evening Isabel is supported by some of the best world-jazz musicians in Copenhagen, including her resident brother Isildo Novella on bass, and the highly regarded singer and guitarist from Togo Alain Apaloo. We look forward to an evening where you can dance in the summer night!

The ticket gives access to all concerts on Friday 5 July:
17.00: Nikolaj Hess Trio + Lo Ersare (Lucky Lo)
19.30: Sunbörn featuring Karen Mukuba
(formerly Kutimangoes)
22.00: Isabel Novella & Band (Moz)

The concert is part of Brønshøj Summ...

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Line up:
  • Line up: Isabel Novella: Vokal // Isildo Novella: Bas // Alain Apaloo: Guitar m. fl.

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