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Fredrik Moth Five

Free admission

Fredrik Moth Five mainly plays original music that finds its inspiration from the cold north to the warm south. Groovy instrumental jazz that is performed with an infectious joy of playing. The group released "It Could Be Nina" in 2016, and in the spring of 2020 came the follow-up "Take The B Train".

..All formulated through the really well-written songs that the five musicians relate to. This is not a jam, not at all, it is inspired collaboration where musical wholeness is the goal. It's 8-0 at the break. The melodies are catchy. And it swings. - Henrik Woldsgaard in Jazz special.

"It Could be Nina" appears solid, well-balanced and well-thought-out, and "The Nameless" is a finely chiseled highlight with the saxophone in an elegant front position." – Ivan Rod (Gaffa)

Line up:
  • Fredrik Moth (sax), Mads Nørgaard (gui), Niels Wilhelm Knudsen (bas),
  • Laurits Høgel (piano), David Besiakov (tr)

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