The concert has finished

Mika Akim (SE/CL)

Vokaljazz Contemporary DKK 120/80

No advance tickets

Calm melancholy filled with hope. Mika is a Swedish songwriter who has been described as a musical sister to artists such as Sam Amidon, Adrienne Lenker and Joni Mitchell. Her minimalistic music consists of ostinatos, textural sounds on stringed instruments and simple melodies. Texts about the body, memory and time. Since her debut in 2020, Mika Akim has released two albums "Till Kroppen" and "Tillsammans" and played concerts in Denmark, Sweden, Czech Republic, Germany, France and Chile.
Foto: Lenny Gonzalez

Line up:
  • Mika Persdotter - viola d'amore, sang
  • Tomás Gubbins - guitar, objekter

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