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Nikolaj Hess Special

Free admission

Mitch Myers from Magnet Magazine and Down Beat wrote: "Nikolaj Hess is one of the most inventive jazz pianists working today”. And Chr Munch-Hansen in Politiken “Gold dust. Nikolaj Hess’ fingers on the keyboard is an alchemical affair. An album with a wide range of expression, yet spiritually coherent.” (Chr Munch-Hansen Politiken) Come, listen, and dive into Hess's creative virtuoso universe of beautiful melodies, captivating trance-inducing grooves, and an original personal sound that goes straight to the heart. Nikolaj is playing here together with 2 special guests, delving into a mix of jazz classics, original compositions, and a few re- and deconstructed and re-composed favorites from the højskolesongbook.

Line up:
  • Nikolaj Hess with special guest

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