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Søren Høst & Mason James

Free admission

Søren Høst is one of the country's greatest talents. He plays the tenor saxophone in a way that is completely his own, yet is aware of standing on the shoulders of the giants of the past. Like all the new young musicians, he can play almost anything, but jazz-musically he confesses to hardbop and partly to swing, i.e. recognizable themes and lots of melodic, modal improvisation. His inspiration for physicality in the music and the muscular, musical expression comes in a straight line from the five, "tough" "Texas tenors": Illinois Jacquet, Arnett Cobb, David "Fathead" Newman, Buddy Tate and King Curtis. It also gives Søren a good springboard towards playing soul and blues.
Mason James is an amazing trumpet player from Pennsylvania and currently lives in New York. One of the younger generation's most stylish trumpeters.
Come and hear Søren and Mason play with a fantastic rhythm group consisting of Malte Arndal on drums and Paul Sikivie on bass.

Line up:
  • Mason James - trompet
  • Søren Høst - saxofon
  • Paul Sikivie - bas
  • Malte Arndal - trommer

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