Humanoid Silhouette

Free admission

An instrumental mosaic of sounds of jazz and noise-rock based in Copenhagen. The genres were fused on the EP’s Mind Eats Body and Memories in a Shroud of Mist, released in 2020.
The line-up has since expanded and now consists of four saxophones, electric guitar, electric bass and drums. The new septet format also introduces forms and structures from modern classical music.

The fundamental theme of the music is self-understanding and the conditions that make you lose it. The resulting darkness and the blinding light that occurs when you admit defeat and move on. On to becoming the person you want to be but can only see the contours of.

Humanoid Silhouette transforms emotion into abstraction.

Line up:
  • Villads Bang Aalling - guitar
  • Mikkel Schmidt - el-bas
  • Jesper Lørup - trommer
  • Sigvard Sejerø Madsen - alt saxofon
  • Bertram Kvist - alt saxofon
  • Johan Jep Christensen - tenor saxofon
  • Mathias Harbeck - baryton saxofon

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