
Free admission

Bish is the musical meeting between Thorbjørn Stefansson, Halfdan Magnus Stefansson, and
Marius Wankel. It is this CPH punk superimposed on top of that Berlin Avantgarde.
The brothers Thorbjørn and Halfdan has been working together for 23 years, but Bish marks the
first time they perform together. Since Thorbjørn moved to Berlin in 2018, he and Marius has been
performing and creating a nourishing musical bond together.
They may all three dream about the same things and watch the same movies. They drink coffee
and eat meals together. But they cannot tell what the music is going to be, as it is still deep
beneath. They just know that it will be very special for them and that it can be very special for you

Line up:
  • Halfdan Magnus Stefansson - Guitar
  • Thorbjørn Stefansson - Double bass
  • Marius Wankel (DE) - Drums

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