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Garaldine Thenoux

Soul Vokaljazz Fusion Contemporary Classic jazz DKK 150 - adult, 80-students

In her native Chile, Geraldine Thenoux is considered one of the greatest vocal talents in
world jazz music. With her Chilean/French background, she moves between a wide range of
genres from Latin American rhythms such as tango, bolero and bossa nova to classical jazz,
latin jazz, jazz manouche and chanson française.
Later this year, Geraldine Thenoux will release her debut album "Humana", from which she
has already revealed four singles, so in addition to songs by Edith Piaf, Charles Trenet,
Salvador Henri and Serge Gainsbourg, the audience will also get a taste of the singer's own
compositions in French and Spanish.
At the Copenhagen Jazz Festival, Geraldine Thenoux will be joined by Danish and US jazz
musicians as Jason Shooster (guitar), Emil Brun Madsen (double bass) and Jacob Melchior
Expect to be enchanted by one of Latin America's great voices.

Line up:
  • Geraldine Thenoux (Voice)
  • Jason Shooster (Guitar)
  • Emil Brun Madsen (Double bass)
  • Jacob Melchior (Drums)

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