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CRRNT #2 || Hein Westgaard Trio | Jimini

CRRNT Collective is facilitating a two-night Copenhagen Jazz Festival special, inviting you to experience great music and friendly atmosphere in Nørrebro's heart. It will take place at Støberiet on the 8th and 10th of July. On this second date we are inviting you on a two jazz trio's night:

HEIN WESTGAARD TRIO (Folk, country, free jazz, rock inspired jazz trio): Playing their very own kind of experimental music, Hein Westgaard Trio is clearly inspired by jazz, but also by country, rock, folk, free improvisation and classical music. The trio manages to translate all these elements into a unique form, where the boundary between the composed and improvised becomes blurred.
The three musicians of Hein Westgaard Trio started playing together in Copenhagen in 2017 and since then they have deepened and matured their unique form of interplay, preparing themselves for the international stage. In September 2023 they released their debut record "First as Farce" to positive...

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Line up:
  • HEIN WESTGAARD TRIO (NO/DK): Hein Westgaard - Guitar, Composition / Petter Asbjørnsen - Double Bass / Simon Forchhammer - Drums
  • JIMINI (DE/DK/NO): Jon Sensmeier - tenor sax, Ivar Asheim - drums, Martin Brunbjerg - double bass

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