The concert has finished

Sophisticated Ladies

Free admission

Sophisticated Ladies are in a class of their own. They are stunning to the eye, but even more stunning to the ear. They have – for quite a number of years – played unforgettable concerts in our jazz club. When playing outside, we have an agreement with higher powers, that it will be a bright and sunny day.
The line-up is Marie Louise Schmidt (p), Helle Marstrand (b) og Benita Haastrup (dm)

Line up:
  • Nogle traditioner er skønne – som for eksempel, at Sophisticated Ladies altid åbner vor del af Jazzfestivalen med en bolværkskoncert. Vi har bestilt skønt sommervejr.
  • Besætningen er Marie-Louise Schmidt (p), Helle Marstrand (b) og Benita Haastrup (dm)

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