
Karen Wegeners Gade 6, 8000 Aarhus C
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At Radar we present a wide variety of music genres and both local, national, and international acts, always maintaining a particular focus on the experimental, the alternative and niche genres. Radar is interested in the cross sections between music and other artforms, and in experimenting with concert- and presentation formats.

Radar is an open, networking and interactive venue. We emphasize working with agents from genre specific fields and external concert- and festival organizers. Furthermore, at Radar we work with activities targeting program development and audience development.

Radar is one of Denmark’s 17 regional music venues, receiving subsidies for music presentation and day-to-day operations from Aarhus Municipality and the National Arts Council. The audience capacity is 300 standing audience members (less with furnishing). Radar presents approximately 120 events per year.

Radar is the venue formerly known as Musikcaféen,"...

Read full description.

Practical information

Billetter til koncerter på Radar købes via yourticket.dk.

At Radar we believe that all people are equal and that we should respect eachother’s beliefs, ethnicity, gender identity and sexual orientation.

We expect our guests, volunteers, and musicians to take care of each other and respect boundaries; this way we can all have a great live music experience together as music lovers.

If you experience anything at Radar that goes against these principles or have suggestions for improvements, don’t hesitate to contact one of our hosts at the entrance on event nights or write to one of the following representatives:

Ole G. Jørgensen - Venue Manager: ole(@)radarlive.dk / 5070 1671
Stine Snede Villumsen - Board Member: stine(@)bhs.dk

We’ll handle it in confidence and with respect.

  • www.radarlive.dk
  • kontakt@radarlive.dk
  • +45 8676 0344
  • Opening Hours: Vi har som regel koncerter onsdag, torsdag, fredag og/eller lørdag. De dage er der som regel åbent fra klokken 19.00 eller 20.00 alt efter hvornår koncerten starter.
  • Capacity: 300 stående gæster (færre ved siddende koncerter)
  • Payment: Dankort, Kontant, VISA, MasterCard

Concerts forVinterjazz 2022