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Akabanga (TZ/ML/DK) ¦ Vinterjazz i Union

Global DKK 100

The trio Akabanga is strongly inspired by music from several different African tribes, both on the western and eastern side of the continent. The music can at times be repetitive and almost trance-like, but at the same time it also contains elements of wildness and ecstasy.

Justo Gambula has roots in Tanzania and Mikas Bøgh and Jakob De Place have lived most of their youth in Bamako, Mali. Together they create their own form of Afrobeat, where they mix melodies, beats, rhythms and sounds from many different traditions.

Vinterjazz in Union:
The nationwide music festival Vinterjazz puts music back on the map on 1-25 February 2024. In Union, we invite you to nine exciting jazz concerts, each of which in their own way reflects Union's eclectic cultural programme. In other words, you should not expect traditional jazz, but rather a journey down to the global roots of jazz.

The doors open at 19:00. The concert starts at 20:00.

Line up:
  • Justo Gambula - bas/keys
  • Mikas Bøgh - guitar/keys
  • Jakob De Place - trommer

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