Mark Solborg TUNGEMÅL 2024 feat. Yoshigaki & Takara (DK/JP/PT)

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TUNGEMÅL (meaning Idiom or tongue) is concerned with the electrified guitar as a voice in contemporary chamber- musical contexts. With this comprehensive project Solborg wishes to elaborate the intimate listening experience, and develop methods and tools for the creative work at hand. An extensive artistic study and qualifying awareness of the modern guitar in interplay with acoustic instruments, and the musical spaces they inhabit.

How do we talk - alone and with others? ...can the listener get closer to the creative artist?

For this summers jazzfestivals in DK Solborg has invited four unique international voices to join the conversation: Japanese Yasuhiro Yoshigaki (Otomo Yoshihide, Zorn, Ground Zero) and contemporary percussionist Kumiko Takara (MoGoToYoYo, Nilssen-Love a.o.), Portuguese trompeert Susana Santos Silva (Braxton, Frith a.o.) and Danish pianist par excellence Simon Toldam (Bennink, Toldam Trio, Efterklang m.fl.). The music is intense, e...

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Line up:
  • Susana Santos Silva (PT) - trompet
  • Simon Toldam (DK) - piano, keys
  • Kumiko Takara (JP) - vibrafon, percussion
  • Mark Solborg (DK) - guitar
  • Yasuhiro Yoshigaki (JP) - trommer, percussion

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