The concert has finished

Christina von Bülow Kvartet

Free admission

Two generations of "von Bülow" will on this day give an intimate and very speciel concert. Throughout her almost 30-year career, Christina von Bülow has been treasured by jazz listeners, not least for her lyrical playing and a deep understanding of and love for the music, which has touched many hearts over the years. Pelle has adopted the same enthusiasm for music, and in recent years has made his mark on the Danish jazz scene as both an excellent soloist and strong accompanist. The rhythm group consists of Jon Henriksson on bass and Frands Rifbjerg on drums, and with these two sublime musicians to complete the quartet, we're ready to welcome you for a warm afternoon of jazz at the highest level.

Line up:
  • Christina von Bülow, sax
  • Pelle von Bülow, guitar
  • Jon Henriksson, bas
  • Frands Rifbjerg, trommer

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