SILLE & PALLE feat. Janus Templeton // SommerJazz @Bankeråt

Børnejazz DKK 95

- Every day at Bankeråt, the entire Copenhagen Jazz Festival!

---Today's Jazz Program ---
*** Children's Jazz ***

Saturday 11 July
at 10.00 - 11.00 & 11.30-12.30

feat. Janus Templeton (bass/drums)

Genre: Children's jazz

*** REMEMBER to book your ticket on Billetto at the link ***

"For the past several months, we have composed and recorded the music for the 26-episode animation series about "Little Tut", which premiered in March 2024 on DR Minisjang.

At the same time, our album was released with 10 completely new Lille Tut songs.
The series has also been sold to Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Irish, Czech and Finnish TV.

Maria Mac Dalland is the director and at the beginning of 2025 the theater concert "Lille Tut på adventurer" will be ready to tour the whole country. See ...

Read more

Line up:
  • Lørdag d. 11. juli
  • kl. 10.00 - 11.00 & 11.30-12.30
  • @Bankeråt
  • feat. Janus Templeton (bas/trommer)
  • Genre: Børne jazz

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