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ØKSE – Mette Rasmussen, Savannah Harris, Val Jeanty, Petter Eldh (US/DK/HT/SE)

ØKSE is the new band of Savannah Harris and Mette Rasmussen, having it's first encounter in 2022. The band has since then evolved into a collective effort, working together on their music in the studio alongside playing live shows. They will drop their first album this year, working currently in the studio on the final stage.

ØKSE means AXE in danish. The Axe has a lot of connotations, being one of humankind's oldest tools. Axe is also Ashe the life-force that runs through all things, living and inanimate. It is described as the power to make things happen. Ashe is a current or flow, a groove that initiates can channel so that it carries them along their road in life.

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