The concert has finished

Stefan Pasborg Trio feat. Carsten Dahl & Fredrik Lundin

Moderne jazz (bebop, hardbop, cool, modal) Contemporary DKK Ikke medlem kr. 225, medlem af jazzklub kr. 150, unge under 25 år/ studerende kr. 75

The Danish European masters of modern jazz

Friday 9 February at 20 at Godset - Winterjazz 2024
Entrance: Non-member DKK 225, member of jazz club DKK. 150, young people under 25/students DKK 75

He is not only one of the most interesting drummers in Europe. He is one of Europe's most interesting musicians. That's what the English jazz magazine Jazz Journal wrote about the Danish Stefan Pasborg - and even called him "H.C. Andersen of modern jazz". And it is truly magical, beautiful music that flows out of Pasborg's drumsticks and onto the sheet music. Whether in Ibrahim Electric, Firebirds or his awe-inspiring project Ritual dances, he has created one captivating musical adventure after another. In his latest project, he has teamed up with some of Danish jazz's very best jazz storytellers of all time: Supersværvægteren Carsten Dahl on piano and sublime Fredrik Lundin on saxophone. This evening they will play magical adventure jazz from their brand ne...

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Line up:
  • Line up:
  • Stefan Pasborg: trommer
  • Carsten Dahl: klaver
  • Fredrik Lundin: saxofon

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