Rahel Talts Ensemble feat. Karmen Rõivassepp (INT) (releasekoncert)

Estonian pianist and composer Rahel Talts has emerged as one of the most exciting young talents on the European jazz scene with her quartet and ensemble. Rahel Talts Ensemble is now presenting their latest album, New and Familiar.
"… poetic and stimulating jazz that inspires!"
Their music is melodic, emotional, and energetic. Rahel’s compositions are authentic and heartfelt, featuring beautiful melodies and soulful harmonies. She seamlessly blends Estonian folk traditions with modern jazz and classical music, creating a unique soundscape that transcends borders.
The Rahel Talts Ensemble was formed in the autumn of 2020 in Denmark during Rahel’s studies at the University of Southern Denmark’s Conservatory of Music. In 2022, they released their debut album, Power of Thought.
The ensemble consists of 11 musicians from seven different countries, offering a dynamic and diverse approach to contemporary jazz.
The lineup includ...
Line up:
- Lineup:
- Karmen Rõivassepp(EE), vokal Rahel Talts(EE) - klaver
- Jakob Sørensen(DK), trompet
- Donatas Petreikis(LT), saxofon
- Jacob Djursaa(DK), guitar
- Mariusz Prasniewski(PL), kontrabas
- Jesper Lørup(DK), trommer