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Lost2Reality: Mana Pool (Live) // P(h)onycat

Lost2Reality invites you into their electronic Wednesday cosmos directing the telescope towards two shining stars in the Copenhagen and Aarhus night sky. Join us as we journey over the horizon and into a universe of uncompromising electronic compositions.
Lost2Reality invites you on the next journey in their series of electronic Wednesday concerts. On board this time are Copenhagen's Mana Pool and Aarhus' P(h)onycat.

Mana Pool:

For many years, Mana Pool has aimed to create a symbiotic and organic fusion of acoustic and electronic sound. Honest and uncompromising, driven by intuition and composition. The music is a mosaic of textured sound over vast ambient surfaces, propelled by intense and dynamic rhythmic sequences. They explore the eternal unpredictability and mystique of electronic sound modules. With their instrumental skills, they shape the enigmatic and immediate into a more conscious and concrete form of music. Mana Pool exists on a wide s...

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