Julian Burdock (UK)

Blues DKK 160

A 10 times British Blues Awards Nominee.. an entertainer like no other.... 

"Wow It's sunday and Mojo Presents high Class British Blues"
You better hurry up - billet@mojo.dk 

Julian Burdock, a 10 times !! British Blues Awards Nominee.. an entertainer like no other.... 

Julian Burdock is a fixture in the British Blues scene, and has toured the world many times over. 

Julian has worked with the following superstars, and has played under his own name in most countries in Europe, as well as Canada, Japan,Russia, China and Kazakstan even... 

Seal, Dave Stewart, Pee Wee Ellis, Beverly Knight, Vanessa Haynes, Bonnie Tyler, Jocelyn Brown etc etc..

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