Sounding two recurring dream cycle motifs. “Caves as psychic wombs” entwined with “a timeless lake”
embedded amongst deep and wild high-mountain forests”.
Caves for exploring liminal ecologies, personal or collective ritual, and homing shelters. The latter could be a womb in which one finds peace or solace.
Atop high mountain forests, spotting the clearest, stillest and most timeless lake one can imagine, in the far distance. The lake calls on us. The confrontation of meeting the lake head on, perhaps even submerging oneself into that vast and unfathomable water, crosses one’s mind on the way.
Luft handler om orgler. Strygere handler om at udvide vores forestilling om klaveret. Træ handler om at lade træer tale.
En liminal smeltedigel af alternative stemninger, orgelforudindspilninger og organiske materialiteter. En rundstrålende og inte...
Sounding two recurring dream cycle motifs. “Caves as psychic wombs” entwined with “a timeless lake”
embedded amongst deep and wild high-mountain forests”.
Caves for exploring liminal ecologies, personal or collective ritual, and homing shelters. The latter could be a womb in which one finds peace or solace.
Atop high mountain forests, spotting the clearest, stillest and most timeless lake one can imagine, in the far distance. The lake calls on us. The confrontation of meeting the lake head on, perhaps even submerging oneself into that vast and unfathomable water, crosses one’s mind on the way.
Luft handler om orgler. Strygere handler om at udvide vores forestilling om klaveret. Træ handler om at lade træer tale.
En liminal smeltedigel af alternative stemninger, orgelforudindspilninger og organiske materialiteter. En rundstrålende og interaktiv lydlyttende kokon.
Installationen bruger brugt canadisk Pacific Coast red cedar-træ fra mit barndomshjem. Også skandinavisk sitkagran. Det er en hyldest til skoven og dens evne til at skabe mystik, skønhed og spiritualitet.
Matt Choboter: udvidet klaver, orgelforudindspilninger og multikanalinstallation af resonatorer af canadisk rødceder og skandinavisk sitkagran. Komponerede collager i dialog med realtidsimprovisation....
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