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Anton Tancredi Quartet // SDMK Sessions

Free admission

Anton Tancredi Quartet is a newly formed group featuring young musicians from Denmark, Sweden and Lithuania all currently studying at the Southern Danish Music Conservatory in Odense. The group plays original compositions and takes it's inspiration from nordic and modern jazz as well as other places. The 17:17 concert at Odenses Music Library will feature brand new original music, and the band performing it consists of tenor saxophonist Bertram Kvist and trumpeter Apolinaras Dubauskas, and backing them up in the rhythm section is Tuva Järvheden Bergenheim on drums and Anton Tancredi on Double Bass.

Line up:
  • Bertram Kvist, tenorsaxofon
  • Apolinaras Dubauskas, trompetist
  • Tuva Järvheden Bergenheim, trommer
  • Anton Tancredi, kontrabas.