Magic Flutes from India & the Middle East feat. Blood Sweat Drum + Bass & Randers Kammerorkester (IN/SY/DK)
During Vinterjazz 2025, Blood Sweat Drum + Bass and The Danish Sinfonietta resume their collaboration with Moslem Rahal and Maher Mahmoud, who, among other things, was immortalized on the album: Concierto de Scheherazade (2018)
About the subsequent album with the same title, the jazz reviewer Niels Overgaard wrote: "A strong album that cannot be recommended enough. Sit down. Turn up the system. Take a trip. You don't want to go home again.”
Was among other things named 2nd best jazz release by JazzSpecial's critics in 2018.
On this occasion, they are brought together with the Grammy-nominated and highly recognized exponent of the Indian bamboo flute tradition, Shashank Subramanyam, who is also involved in the release Shiva's Dance released in connection with the concert. Also Mirwais Fedal from Denmark on tabla.
During Vinterjazz 2025, the focus will again be on the ethnic bamboo flutes, which despite their simple design can be played with incredib...
Line up:
- Shashank Subramanyam - Indien (fløjte)
- Mirwais Fedal - Danmark (perkussion)
- Moslem Rahal – Syrien/Frankrig (fløjte)
- Maher Mahmoud (Syrien/Danmark (Oud)
- Blood Sweat Drum + Bass
- Randers Kammerorkester