The concert has finished

BAUN on Beatles

Soul Vokaljazz DKK 125,00

Baun On Beatles is a vocaljazztrio interpreting known and lesser known songs by The Beatles in respect, spirit and new sophisticated arrangements.
Pianist and singer Søren Baun grew up with Beatles on the recordplayer and soon he started to make his own versions influenced by jazz, latin and soul.
Baun On Beatles consists of three music buddies with a mutual passion for Beatles and jazz.
The sound is acoustic and dynamic and the Beatlesguitars are replaced by a piano.
They play with a spark and room for improvisation colored by todays mood, weather and you!
In 2019 they recorded the livealbum LIVE AT THE VILLAGE, that can be found on all streamingplatforms, or bought in psysical form (CD) from the website.

Line up:
  • Søren Baun (klaver, sang)
  • Andreas Møllerhøj (kontrabas)
  • Ulrik Brohuus (trommer)