Cathrine Legardh Nordic Jazz Quartet

The Great American Songbook along with a unique selection of Nordic tunes…
Here is a unique opportunity to hear jazz singer Cathrine Legardh in the company of pianist Jacob
Christoffersen, bassist Jesper Thorn and drummer Espen Laub von Lillienskjold. It will be a heartfelt, warm and exuberant concert – in sounding Nordic (Swedish + Danish) and English, where narrative and interpretation are paramount. Legardh conveys a selection of the songs she likes most in the borderland between jazz and Nordic songs. There is music of both new and older date, and in addition to standards and evergreens, there will be a selection of Legardhs own compositions from her latest album Stilhed & Storm; (‘Silence & Storm’) - nominated Jazz Album of the Year; at the Icelandic Music Awards 2024. In addition, there will be a handful of poems by
the Danish poet, Tove Ditlevsen, set to music ny Legardh - as well as a couple of unmissable Nordic
hits from the Swedish jazz div...
Line up:
- Cathrine Legardh (vokal)
- Jacob Christoffersen (klaver)
- Jesper Thorn (kontrabas)
- Espen Laub von Lillienskjold