Soma and the loved ones + Zeuthen/Anderskov/Vestergaard + Fyrtårn (Nils Bo Davidsen & Simon Toldam)

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What does it sound like when you get three of the finest jazz musicians playing folk/rock?
Songs with long solos that showcase the musicians' many ideas and instrumental prowess, taking chances on stage and in the studio.
Soma Allpass has created a surprising love bouquet, with tribute songs to people she cares about. She is an original cellist and singer who with curiosity has taken a long journey through classical music to indie rock, Indian, jazz, free improvisation. She also improvises with both voice and cello.

Nils Bo Davidsen & Simon Toldam
In a interwoven exploration of sounds, the renowned and accomplished musicians Davidsen and Toldam present a tapestry of emotion and curiosity within the cello/piano realm. Their mastery of their instruments is evident as they tread on fresh musical soil in the outskirts of this classic instrumentation.

ZAV - Zeuthen/Anderskov/Vestergaard
The multigenerational trio is back with new m...

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Line up:
  • 20.00 Fyrtårn
  • Nils Bo Davidsen - cello
  • Simon Toldam - klaver
  • 21.00 Soma and the loved ones
  • Kristian Tangvik, tuba, keyboards, kor
  • Nils Bo Davidsen, guitar, el-bas
  • Jeppe Gram, trommer, percussion
  • Soma Allpass, sang, cello, guitar, kompositioner
  • 22.30 ZAV
  • Jesper Zeuthen, saxofon
  • Jacob Anderskov, piano
  • Anders Vestergaard, trommer

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