At Radar we present a wide variety of music genres and both local, national, and international acts, always maintaining a particular focus on the experimental, the alternative and niche genres. Radar is interested in the cross sections between music and other artforms, and in experimenting with concert- and presentation formats.
Radar is an open, networking and interactive venue. We emphasize working with agents from genre specific fields and external concert- and festival organizers. Furthermore, at Radar we work with activities targeting program development and audience development.
Radar is one of Denmark’s 17 regional music venues, receiving subsidies for music presentation and day-to-day operations from Aarhus Municipality and the National Arts Council. The audience capacity is 300 standing audience members (less with furnishing). Radar presents approximately 120 events per year.
Radar is the venue formerly known as Musikcaféen,"...
At Radar we present a wide variety of music genres and both local, national, and international acts, always maintaining a particular focus on the experimental, the alternative and niche genres. Radar is interested in the cross sections between music and other artforms, and in experimenting with concert- and presentation formats.
Radar is an open, networking and interactive venue. We emphasize working with agents from genre specific fields and external concert- and festival organizers. Furthermore, at Radar we work with activities targeting program development and audience development.
Radar is one of Denmark’s 17 regional music venues, receiving subsidies for music presentation and day-to-day operations from Aarhus Municipality and the National Arts Council. The audience capacity is 300 standing audience members (less with furnishing). Radar presents approximately 120 events per year.
Radar is the venue formerly known as Musikcaféen, which had its last show at Mejlgade 53 on the 10th of december 2011. The music venue continues in the same spirit under the new moniker, Radar, at the old Aarhus train yard (Godsbanen) at Karen Wegeners Gade 6.
Excepting a number of everyday employees, Radars team consists of two bar managers and approximately 40 indispensable volunteers, standing ready to meet you at the bar, entrance and as venue hosts, technicians and photographers.
The venue is organized as an association / independent institution with a board of directors.
Radars’ previous home at Mejlgade 53 has been utilized as a space for music venue activities since 1978. Since the mid-eighties it has progressed from an underground club toward a differentiated professional stage. Historically, the venue has played a significant role as a stage for the most current musical tendencies in Aarhus, and it has been the starting point for many acts playing the largest stages in the country today.
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Practical information
Du finder billetter til alle vores arrangementer via vores hjemmeside
På Radar tror vi på, at alle mennesker er lige, og at vi skal respektere hinandens overbevisning, etnicitet, kønsidentitet og seksuelle orientering.
Vi forventer, at vores gæster, frivillige og musikere passer på hinanden og udviser respekt for folks grænser, således at vi alle kan have en vidunderlig musikalsk oplevelse sammen som musikelskere.
Hvis du oplever noget på Radar, der overskrider disse retningslinjer eller har forslag til forbedringer, så tøv ikke med at kontakte en af aftenens værter i entreen eller i baren, eller skriv til følgende repræsentanter:
Martin Aagaard (leder) / 5070 1673
Stine Snede Villumsen (bestyrelsesmedlem)
Vi håndterer alle henvendelser med fortrolighed og respekt.