The concert has finished

Simon Toldam: Fem Små Stykker Med Tid (Prerelease)

Free admission

Concert and prerelease of Fem Små Stykker Med Tid, a solo-
piano album performed and composed by Simon Toldam.
The music will be released on transparent vinyl in a very limited edition and will be available for purchase at the concert.
Humans have long been fascinated by time and space - concepts inspiring millennia of artistic exploration and philosophical reflection.
In the space between activities and motions, between sounds and notes, there is time to digest, time to be curious, and time to be present.
Studies in this field with the Simon Toldam Trio - which resulted in the album Omhu - “Best Danish Jazz Album of the Year 2019" - led Toldam to explore this compositional and musical mindset even deeper.
Fem Små Stykke Med Tid (Five Small Pieces Of Time) is Toldam's first solo piano release and showcases his musical patience and vibrant timbre.
Simon Toldam is one of Scandinavia’s most exciting and distinguished musicians, having...

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Line up:
  • Simon Toldam: soloklaver