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Eksperimental jazz Contemporary DKK 60 kr / 50 kr (alm/medlem)

No advance tickets

The music of Farvel (“Goodbye” in Danish) is sensitive and violent. It is the sound of small animals in the forest floor and endless mountain landscapes. It's the sound of bus rides in the middle of the night and childhood photos of your grandparents. The music of Farvel is about letting go. It processes the act of saying goodbye as a constant premise for life, but without being sentimental or mournful. It is a joyous celebration of eternal change.

Farvel's music is created with elongated and flowing movements in the moment. They work with the textures in the music, with a forward driving force. Here they create a space that invites the listener in to take part in this. Farvel consists of Halfdan Stefansson on guitar, Gustav Lauridsen on bass and Jens Højbøge Mosegaard on drums. They are relevant with their self-titled debut album "Farvel" on 11 February 2024.

Line up:
  • Halfdan Stefansson: guitar
  • Gustav Lauridsen: elbas
  • Jens Højbøge Mosegaard: trommer

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