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Sunday Sessions: Zabric|Užameckis|Oswald + The Past Is A Black Hole + Westgaard/Hernandez/Strid/Anker

Eksperimental jazz DKK 120 / 80

No advance tickets

The improvisers Margaux Oswald (pno), Aurelijus Užameckis (bass) and Luka Zabric (sax) form a dynamic trio where focused ideas and attention to detail characterise the music. Their distinct individual voices merge into a crisp collective sound and agile interaction, moving swiftly through intensities that shape each musical encounter in its own way.

The Past Is a Black Hole
[…] dynamically transformative acoustic project […] We envision a cybernetic orchestra that functions as a self-regulating system […] multi-tempo, spectral harmonic texture, […] imitation of the "glitch" concept […], our compositions take on the character of a game, […] empowering the players with significant decision-making authority.
The result is generative music […] characterized by its simplicity and playfulness, […]
expansion over time […] All the components of the ensemble are interchangeable […]
explore new timbr...

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Line up:
  • Zabric|Užameckis|Oswald:
  • Luka Zabric - alto sax
  • Aurelijus Užameckis - double bass
  • Margaux Oswald – piano
  • The Past Is a Black Hole:
  • Pj Fossum - piano
  • Karin Ingves - piano
  • Kim Mai Tich-Nguyen Thordsen - flute
  • Lorenzo Colocci - flute
  • Francesco Colocci - guitar
  • Taus Bregnhøj-Olesen - guitar
  • Hein Westgaard - guitar
  • Katt Hernandez - violin
  • Raymond Strid - drums
  • Lotte Anker - sax

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