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Oh People - releasekoncert

No advance tickets

Oh People is a dynamic new jazz quintet featuring some of Denmark's most
prominent young musicians. After years of collaborating across various projects,
they have united in a shared passion project that celebrates the many facets of jazz
with a fresh, modern approach. The quintet blends a deep respect for jazz tradition
with a bold willingness to push boundaries and create something personal and
In January 2025, Oh People will release their debut album, Part-Time Elegance, on
the renowned April Records label, which will be accompanied by a series of concerts
both at home and abroad. With original compositions, impressive technical skills,
and a creative take on the classic jazz format, the quintet delivers a musical
experience of the highest caliber.
Drawing inspiration from jazz icons like Duke Ellington, Charles Mingus, and The
Jazz Messengers, Oh People’s sound remains rooted in tradit...

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Line up:
  • Jonas Due: Trompet
  • Lasse Mørck: Kontrabas
  • Henrik Holst: Trommer
  • Casper Christensen: Guitar
  • Andreas Toftemark: Saxofon

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