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HYPNO QLUB III: Claus Poulsen + Wikström & Müntzing + Bjørn Svin/Johanna Sulkunen/Tapani Toivanen

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A premiere of a first-time collaboration between vocal artist and composer Johanna Sulkunen and electronic music artist Bjørn Svin. 
The interplay between the "body instrument"—the organic human voice—and current technology forms a meeting point that transcends genre limitations, allowing for new expressions and the emergence of fresh auditory and emotional connotations.  A journey between the organic elements of the voice and machines as raw material. 
Visual artist Tapani Toivanen will complement the sound with a generative, interactive live visualization system, handcrafted from the ground up and integrated with the audio, producing complex, organic, emergent patterns.

Bjørn Svin is a lifelong sonic creator, sound designer, composer, and performer of rhythmic electronic music. For nearly three decades, he has released experimental and innovative music on various labels in Denmark, England, and Germany. While his roots are in club culture...

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Line up:
  • Bjørn Svin - electronics
  • Johanna Sulkunen - vocals 
  • Tapani Toivanen - visuals
  • Herman Müntzing - electronics, machines, devices
  • Qarin Wikström - electronics, objects, voice
  • Claus Poulsen - zither, rejsegrammofon, laptop, diktafon, pedaler, video

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