Two strong voices of the Copenhagen avant-garde scene meet in a raw duo.
Maria Faust (b. 1979, Kuressaare) is an Estonian saxophone player and composer living in Copenhagen, Denmark. Faust is best known in the fields of third stream jazz, modern big band music, improvised music, and other alternative genres. She has made remarkable musical waves that have sent her and her bands on trips to concert halls and music festivals around the world.
Margaux Oswald is a pianist of French-Filipina origin, born in Geneva, and currently based in Copenhagen. She has played the piano since the age of 5, and is now committed to the art of free improvisation.
Her solo piano debut album Dysphotic Zone, released on Clean Feed Records, was chosen as one of the best solo album of 2022 by the New York City Jazz Record.
She is one of the new members of the artist-run label and collective ILK in Copenhagen, where she released the album Signals with Kasper Tranberg in 2022. June 202...
Two strong voices of the Copenhagen avant-garde scene meet in a raw duo.
Maria Faust (b. 1979, Kuressaare) is an Estonian saxophone player and composer living in Copenhagen, Denmark. Faust is best known in the fields of third stream jazz, modern big band music, improvised music, and other alternative genres. She has made remarkable musical waves that have sent her and her bands on trips to concert halls and music festivals around the world.
Margaux Oswald is a pianist of French-Filipina origin, born in Geneva, and currently based in Copenhagen. She has played the piano since the age of 5, and is now committed to the art of free improvisation.
Her solo piano debut album Dysphotic Zone, released on Clean Feed Records, was chosen as one of the best solo album of 2022 by the New York City Jazz Record.
She is one of the new members of the artist-run label and collective ILK in Copenhagen, where she released the album Signals with Kasper Tranberg in 2022. June 2023 saw the release of Magnetite, a live recording of Oswald’s duo with Jesper Zeuthen on CleanFeed Records.
Jonas Frølunds 2024-koncertrække Barndommens Land skydes i gang ved denne koncert, hvor Lil Lacys nye værk til Jonas vil blive spillet for første gang, og hendes fængende historie med dansk-amerikansk opvækst og en gennemgribende musikalsk og kulturel nysgerrighed og manfoldighed foldes ud i hænderne og mundene på Mathias Heise og Jonas Frølund.
Kort om Barndommens Land: Jonas Frølund i samarbejde med otte komponister står i 2024 bag koncert- og værkrækken Barndommens Land, hvor hver af de otte komponister skriver et værk til Jonas inspireret af deres barndoms land og minderne og føleleserne knyttet hertil, og værkerne uropføres på steder, der betyder noget særligt for hver af komponisterne. Følg med på
Oliver Skou-Due er en Trondheim-baseret dansk pianist og komponist, der igennem de sidste år har gjort sig bemærket på den unge norske improscene. Musikken trækker i mange forskellige referencer, som udtrykker sig igennem en lys melankoli. Der stræbes efter at skabe et åbent, lystigt og trygt rum, hvor lytteren på stilfærdig vis kan fordybe sig i musikkens forskellige lag. Derudover vil der på denne aften blive eksperimenteret med forventninger og konventioner, og alvor og lethed vil stå som centrale yderpunkter, med glimt af samfundskritik på den ene side og humor og naivitet på den anden....
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