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Müntzing / Wikström / Berre (SE/NO)

Contemporary DKK 150/75 for the evening - partout (4 days) 600/400 DKK

No advance tickets

Müntzing / Wikström / Berre is an auditory anarchy where the sound palette is expanded to the extreme. The trio unites three extremely interesting Scandinavian musicians within the electroacoustic genre. The three musicians have met in different contexts and played in different constellations for over 10 years.

This night ILK & Club Primi are co-hosting a complete H15 takeover.
The two stages will alternate, every hour, presenting 5 amazing concerts in total.

19:00 ILK: Matt/Calum + Ying-Hsueh Chen @ H15 Studio

20:00 PRiMi: T. J. Borden & Louise Dam Eckardt Jensen @ H15 Scene

21:00 ILK: Anderskov Emerald @ H15 Studio

22:00 PRiMi: Maggie Nicols' Mega Choir - sharing practices of freedom @ H15 Scene

23:00 ILK: Müntzing / Wikström / Berre @ H15 Studio

Line up:
  • Hermann Müntzing: Electronics and voice
  • Qarin Wikström: Voice, objects, synths, effects
  • Håkon Berre: Drums and percussion

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